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Tuesday, March 8, 2011



post kali niy khas untuk SUBJEK  KIMIA sahaja yea sebab dye telah mencacatkan result aku.
taw knpe?
sebab FAIL laa. huhu.
hampeh giler. betul jea dugaan akuh. penat jea study tp, in fact ta faham ape pun.
bile jwp, merepek jea jwpn.
*fikir betul. tp, merepek jea.
teacher foo frust giler ngn markah kyteowg. em, ta taw laa na buat cm ner.

"teacher, saya ta faham laa ape dye tnye. macam mana saya na answer that question"
huhu. tu lah jwpn aku.

*jawapan bela diri.

hey, mmg ta faham taw. hehe. alaa, ramai gak yang senasib ngn aku. 15% pun ade. 
so, aku ta laa kesah sngt. 
tp, kesah laa jgak. sbb da ade fail weyh !
buruk record akuh !

aku da berjnji xna kecewe klaw markah teruk sebab maybe tu jea termampu buat.

*muke confident. huhu

tape Lloyd Jones kate, 
"The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed."

Kenneth Boudling cakap plak,
"Nothing fails like success because we don't learn from it.  We learn only from failure."

 Robert Allen 
"There is no failure.  Only feedback."

  George Cukor
You can't have any successes unless you can accept failure.
*george, i accept my failure.

Robert Schuller
"Failure doesn't mean you are a failure... it just means you haven't succeeded yet. "
*semangat datang balek.

cukup laa yea. klau na bnyk lg, search kat
okeyh !


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